Here are some photos from the 1970's
1980's from the Ultrasound Laboratory at the Bowman Gray School of
and from various meetings. If you can identify any of the people
not already named in the captions (or if you find errors) please e-mail
me at:
Much credit for the pioneering efforts in ultrasound at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine must go to Dr. James Toole, Chairman of the Department of Neurology and a worldwide leader in stroke research. William M. McKinney, one of the true "pioneers" in ultrasound was a faculty member in the neurology department and was given a lot of support in his early ultrasound ventures by Dr. Toole. Dr. McKinney went on to become a president of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) and served as "host" for the annual AIUM convention in 1975 in Winston-Salem, N.C. Dr. Toole is seen in the pictures below in both formal and informal modes.
Dr. William M. McKinney (about 1975)
Dr. McKinney had a knack for getting all sorts of people from the medical center involved in ultrasound in the early days. In addition to physicians from cardiology, obstetrics and gynecology, nephrology, neurology and radiology he also involved teachers from the basic medical sciences, particularly from the anatomy department. Shown below are Dr. Walter Bo (left image) and his right-hand-man Dr. Charles E. McCreight (right image). Dr. Bo put together some of the earliest anatomic teaching material oriented toward ultrasound imaging and provided cross-sectional anatomic specimens for use in both live and audio-visual based teaching sessions. Along with Dr. McKinney he published articles on the role of the vasa vasorum in carotid atherogenesis.
Bowman Gray Anatomy
Dr. Walter Bo (above left) and Dr. Charles McCreight (above right)
Selected references:
· Bo WJ, WM McKinney and RL Bowden (1989) The origin and distribution of vasa vasorum at the bifurcation of the common carotid artery with atherosclerosis. Stroke, 20 1484- 1487.
· Bo WJ, M Mercuri, R Tucker and MG Bond (1992) The human carotid atherosclerotic plaque stimulates angiogenesis on the chick chorioallantoic membrane. Atherosclerosis, 94:71- 78.
Patricia Bealefield (San Diego AIUM meeting, c. 1978?).
Pat was one of my first two sonographers at Texas Tech in 1977
and went to work for ADR about a year later. The other of my
first sonographers was Jim Rhea, now (2000) with GE Ultrasound.
Both Pat and Jim came out of the Sonic School program at
Bowman Gray about 1976-77.
J. Kerr Spencer
scanned at the Sonic School at the Bowman
Gray School of Medicine
about 1975) who is now (2000) with
Terason. Can
identify the person scanning
(possibly with the
name Linda)?
These pictures, possibly from the Seattle AIUM meeting in the early 1970's show Joe Holmes (green dress with beads), Dennis White (orange dress and handbag), Ross Brown (yellow beads and arm tattoo) and Ralph Barnes (baby bonnet, red cheeks). Exactly what was going on here one can only imagine*. Can anyone identify the man in the red hat?
*Some clarification from Joan Baker (in an e-mail dated 10/15/2000):
"The picture with all
AIUM officials in drag! This was at the Seattle AIUM/ASUTS annual
in 1974. The reason for the dress up was the evening in which Bill
was installed as President of AIUM and we did a skit called "This is
Life Bill McKinney" a take off on the TV show of the time. We had
with Bill's wife and got details of his childhood
also the co-operation of
his lab who were the southern accents that told the story over loud
Ralph Barnes was "Bill McKinney when he was a baby, hence the get up,
White Bill's mother etc. There is much more to this story that is too
to tell and I do not want to go into over the email.....!! Bill
although he was very concerned about what might have been drug up from
his past."
Ernest Carlsen (left) of Loma Linda University at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine c. 1975
Three pictures of engineer Don Baker from Seattle on a visit to the Bowman Gray School of Medicine Sonic School (about 1975)
The following e-mail was received on 10/27/2000 from Don Baker regarding the above pictures:
Hi Eric
Its been a long time since we last saw each other. Joan showed me your history page recently and then your e-mail arrived on the 24th inquiring if I could identify the ATL unit that I was showing.
I think the presentation may have been my first visit to Bowman Gray which my guess would put about 1975-76. The unit is the Doppler part of the first ATL duplex scanner. The Doppler was a model 400B. I happened to find in my papers a brochure for that first Duplex which I will scan and send you a photo of the unit.
We started the technology transfer to form ATL in 1974 and that led to the Model 400 Pulse Doppler which was shown at the AIUM meeting in the fall of 1974. The Duplex Scanner transfer began in 1975-76. The 400B Doppler unit development preceded what later became the ATL Mark V Duplex Scanner.
I recall meeting you at Bowman Gray on that trip.
I have a pretty clear recollection of the whole Doppler History from the U of W program starting on 1958-9 if you wish more information. I was also involved in the recruitment of Jack Reid to Seattle after he graduated from Herman Swans program at Penn, and he then joined our program in about 1974-75.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Regards Don
Dr. Denis N. White - the second and third pictures were probably made at the AIUM Spring Meeting at Snowmass, Colorado about 1974 or 1975. Can anyone identify the two people with Dr. White in the third picture? (Possibly Dr. Wes Nyborg in the hat and a Mrs. Metzler in the red down jacket).
Drs. Edler and Hertz at the History of Ultrasound Symposium in D.C., October 1988.
Meeting of the AIUM Education Committee during the AIUM meeting in Dallas, TX - 1977
Left to right:
Paul Carson, ?, Barry Goldberg, Renata Soulen, Michael Tanner, Ernie
Bill McKinney, Mark Lapayowker **;
Can anyone help with
the people indicated by question marks?
**Thanks to Joan Baker who identified Dr. Mark Lapayowker of Temple University.
Frederick "Fritz"
(and Patty Potter, with the camera) at the
Rotterdam ultrasound
meeting in the early 1970's. Dr. Thurstone's
biomedical engineering
laboratory at Duke University was the source of many
important advances in
ultrasound transducer design and signal processing.
Among his graduate
were Olaf von
Ramm and Stephen
W. Smith.
Henrietta Givens
Ben Singletary at Bowman Gray, c. 1975.
Henrietta began her
with ultrasound as a patient transport person and went on
to become a pioneer in
echocardiography and head of the echocardiology lab
at the Wake Forest
Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C.
Henrietta's friends
saddened by her death on June 7, 2000.
Many thanks to
Nuss for identifying Ben Singletary as the "patient" in
the picture above.
Sonia Chang speaking at the History of Medical Ultrasound Symposium in Washington, D.C. (October 15-16, 1988)
Dr. William McKinney (left) and Dr. Robert "Bob" Ford at Bowman Gray c. 1975
Dr. John Merory of Australia at Bowman Gray, c. 1975
Cardiologists Earl Watts (left) and Abdel Mohsen Nomeir in the ultrasound laboratory at Bowman Gray c. 1975
Engineer Ralph
and his engineering assistant George Pardue
with the multi-zone TGC
prototype - BGSM c. 1972
(Thanks to Bill Williams
for identifying George Pardue in this photo)
Dr. Eugene
demonstrates the use of a small directional CW Doppler
"pencil probe" for
flow detection for ankle blood pressure measurement.
Observing Dr.
technique is Harriett Nichols.
Horace Thompson
briefcase) inspecting the historical exhibit at the AIUM meeting
in San Diego, about
Dr. John Wild and
Jack Reid at the Smithsonian during the History of Ultrasound
Symposium, October
Photos by Eric
M.D. except for the formal portrait of Dr. James Toole
and the photos of Dr.
Bo and Dr. Charles E. McCreight (which are from
VISION, the alumni
of the Wake Forest University Medical Center) and the
first of the three photos
of Dr. Denis N. White.
Page Updated July 12,