Early Linear Array Ultrasound System (ADR)

Eric Blackwell, M.D.

In the early days of diagnostic ultrasound it was hard to predict just exactly what background might have led people to become involved in the ultrasound field.  Jim Binns, pictured below with one of the first working prototypes of the Advanced Diagnostic Research (A.D.R.) linear array real-time ultrasound scanner, was (if memory serves me correctly) a graduate of Harvard Law School.  In the mid 1970's he was travelling around the country demonstrating the unit (he later became CEO of A.D.R.).   Notice in the detail view of the transducer the slightly irregular alignment of the 64 transducer elements epoxied into the hand-made transducer!  This was the first scanner available to us at Bowman Gray with real-time imaging capability.  It made it much easier to "track" a moving fetus so that optimal head and body measurements could be obtained.  The ADR 2130 had its "roots" in this prototype.


Photos by Eric Blackwell, M.D. made about 1974 at the Bowman Gray School of Medicine Ultrasound Laboratory in Winston-Salem, N.C.


11-12 week fetus (and my first child, David) scanned with an early ADR linear
array scanner (left) and a few years later (right!)

By 1978 (the AIUM meeting in San Diego) ADR had more than 1,000 model 2130
scanners in use.  Seen here at the ADR display at the convention is Patricia Bealefield,
one of my two first sonographers, who had gone to work for ADR as an applications

Page Last Updated 10/13/2000

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